Archive for January 9th, 2015

A Russian Orthodox Church Home for Handicapped Children

To access: Pravmir: Church to Open the first non-state handicapped children’s home in Russia 

It will be a home for twenty-five children; the focus will be placed on their socialization and integration into society. Many of them will be going to school for the first time. And they can look forward to regular visits to swimming pools, zoos, museums, and the theatre. 

The orphanage will make efforts to get the children adopted by families, but is willing to take care of each orphan once he or she comes of age.

I’m a little puzzled by this claim of being the first, as this website indicates other efforts within Russia: Where is the Orthodox orphanage? We have started a list of Orthodox orphanages and shelters

The children’s home will be designed for 25 children with disabilities, for whom the “mercy”-nurses, teachers, speech pathologists-will try to create the conditions, people close to the family. The children will be in the children’s home will get the kids out of the heavy branch of the Moscow orphanage boarding school No. 15, where in recent years with them were sisters and volunteers service “mercy”.

Thanks to these activities, many children began to eat, sit, walk, smile, talk with the sisters and staff.

“We have seen that the children can continue, but they want other conditions. And the idea to make a new home for these children, “says Coordinator of volunteer service and charity in BITS No. 15 and the head opening project Svetlana Emelyanova.

The new children’s home will be located in the building of St. Sofia’s.


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